Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gay Marriage

The fact that Gay marriage is even a debate is rediculous because those who disagree with it have no argument.    Somehow marriage needs 'defending'...and honestly I agree.  But it needs defending from people like Britney Spears and other people who disrespect it's 'sanctity.'  I mean if you disagree with gay marriage because of your religion then that's fine - but this is a country not a church.   You can't expect people to get baptised into your opinion.  And seriously how does who I marry affect you in any way?  People in Massachutsetts have been getting married for over a year now and I don't see heterosexual marriages crumbling and families falling apart because of it.  Other countries think nothing of it.  I'll write more on this later but definitely this should have been established in 1776 if you ask me.  (Incidentally that is when San Francisco was founded - October 9 - Father Francisco Palou founds Mission San Francisco de Asis in what is now San Francisco, California.)

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